Friday, August 14, 2020

Screen Keyboard



‡Zv eÜziv ïiæ Kiv hvK, Avgv‡`i Kw¤úDUvi A_ev j¨vcU‡c wK-‡evW©

mgm¨v ev b÷ n‡q ‡M‡j ZLb Avgv‡`i UvBc Ki‡Z mgm¨v nq

GK K_vq Avgiv ZLb UBc Ki‡Z cvwi bv

‡Zv eÜziv Pjyb mgvavb Kiv hK

Avgv‡`i Rb¨ DBb‡Wvm KZ…K w¯Œb  wK-‡evW©  bv‡g GKUv wK-‡evW©

†`Iqv Av‡Q

Avgiv  cÖ_‡g Start bar †_‡K All Programs Zvi c‡i Accessories  Gic‡i  Ease of Access  GLb Avgiv †`L‡Z cvw”Q on screen keyboard

bv‡g Ackb GLb Avgiv GLv‡b wKøK K‡i I‡cb Ki‡Z cvi‡ev wK-‡evW©


Avcwb hw` wfwWI †`‡L K¨vjKz‡jUi I‡cb Ki‡Z Pvb, Zvn‡j wb‡Pi wjsK I‡cb Kiæb

Monday, July 27, 2020

System to turn on the calculator in the computer


Calculator is an essential instrument in our daily life
We use computers or laptops
Calculator is required.
We use it for free without any kind of software from the computer
Friends, let's get started
We will first click on the start bar then search by typing calculator (in English) then we have calculator option.
I will see that if you double click there, the calculator will open
So friends
Now we will go to the option and open the calculator
First I will go to the start bar, then I will go to the All program, this time we will find the accessories
Friends, this time we can see the calculator option
Now if we double click, the calculator will open
Or I can pin it up

So friends will tell you how it is

Thanks for reading

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Seen through the image below

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